Server Load Balancer

Server Load Balancer
High Availability  
The high availability plays a key feature of the LB-8000, not only for LB-8000 itself, but also for the server farm or cluster's operating status. The key features are as follows:
Dual-path Heartbeat
Heartbeat signals between two LB-8000 are sent through both network and serial cable. Failover will not happen until backup fails to get the heartbeat signals from primary through both routes. This feature prevents unnecessary failover and avoids the problem that two LB-8000 are trying to become active (master) due to the network failure.
Bi-directional Stateful Failover
Real time synchronization between primary and backup LB-8000 ensures that two load balancers keep the same information about TCP connections and persistence. This state mirroring function, also called stateful failover, guarantees that no TCP connections or persistence information gets lost during failover.
Nice Fail Back
With Nice Fail Back, backup LB-8000 will become primary after failover happens. That way, even if original primary LB-8000 recovers afterwards, failover will not happen again. This feature can reduce the frequency of the failover and raise the availability of system.
Synchronization of Configurations and Logs
Bi-directional sync function makes sure that primary and backup LB-8000 always keep the same configurations and logs. This synchronization helps the backup LB-8000 take over the process / sessions of primary LB-8000 handles in microseconds where the remote users will never know the changes.
Server Health Check
The LB-8000 regularly checks the status of each server to make sure no traffic is forwarded to the malfunctioning ones. The health check includes ICMP check (Layer 3), port check (Layer 4) and content check (Layer 7). System admin can freely define which level of heath check to do. This shall protect network users from receiving incorrect packets or losing connection to the server because the session is sent to a server that has been already crashed.
Built for most IP-based Applications  
LB-8000 is equipped with powerful PC system that helps handle all the requests from the Internet users to route to the arranged IP-based server behind the LB-8000, from WWW, FTP, to heavy traffic service like streaming servers. Three models help to optimize the usage of load sharing of your network, form NAT mode, direct-route mode and IP tunneling modes. The features are as below:
Load Balancing for most IP-based Applications
LB-8000 can load-balance most IP-based applications, such as web, email, FTP or streaming. You can also apply LB-8000 to other enterprise applications that have web-based GUI, including IBM WebSphere, Cold Fusion, BEA WebLogic Servers and Sun iPlanet Servers and so on.
Flexible Network Configurations
LB-8000 supports NAT (network address translation), direct routing and IP tunneling configurations. System admin will be able to choose the appropriete configuration according to the applications and environment.
Multiple Load Balancing Methods
LB-8000 provides both static and dynamic modes for load-balancing servers. Static modes contain round robin and weighted round robin. Dynamic modes include least connections and weighed least connections.
Active / Passive FTP Support
LB-8000 put special efforts on FTP application. No matter active or passive FTP, in NAT or direct routing mode, LB-8000 makes sure that FTP data session goes to the same real sever with FTP control session and the load can be still balanced.
ECOM Protocol
ECOM protocol makes sure the persistence is still valid when e-commerce visitors are going to SSL pages from normal web pages.
Sticky Connections
For session-based applications, to keep the integrity of session data, LB-8000 can always forward the traffic from the same IP address toe the same real server.
The management  
The LB-8000 offers the friendly Web interface for the full management, from back up algorithm, server mode operation to the detailed log information. This will help the manager get all the information directly except of need to have additional training. SNMP is also supported for a network with SNMP software.
The features include:
SNMP Support
LB-8000 provides its enterprise MIB and will send out TRAP messages to SNMP manager when necessary.
Real Time Status Monitoring and Statistics
Through a Java Applet-based monitor, system admin can monitor the status of LB-8000, real servers and network in a real time basis.
GUI / CLI User Interface
Both GUI and CLI are provided, the System administrators can manage LB-8000 through both GUI (graphical user interface) and CLI (command line interface) from the Internet.
Detailed Logging
LB-8000 provides detailed logging function for system, management, HA, connection and alert. System admin will be able to export log data and also monthly summary report will be sent by emails.
Email Alert
When LB-8000 or real servers fail, system admin will be informed through an alert message.